C 2004 By Gracie Prior
(In our last installment, the Scribblers had just finished a dramatic scene from their new play.)
Jimmy sat in his bedroom, which was decorated with Earnest Shepherd's drawings of Winnie the Pooh on the walls. He meant to redecorate now that he was older, but Mom said he would have to get his own things. She certainly didn't have the money right now. His mom, Mrs. Falcon,was a freelance artist. She painted watercolors for magazines and sent them in. He could get some new ideas from her at least.
He went over and lay back on his bed on this lazy Saturday, and thought how well the play "Terry, the Pirates, and Ponce Virle De Polo," had gone. Mary was indeed needed in the group as she turned out to be an excellent salesperson. Her mom, Mrs. Brewster, had gotten some excitement going at the library where she worked. The staff there felt they should encourage budding playwrights. Also, Mary had walked up and down her street, getting to know the neighbors better in the process.
The big rescue scene had gone well and Terry (Ponce) remembered to drop the scarf, fight off all of the pirates, and escape their treachery. The proceeds were actually bigger than expenses. The group used old costumes, some worn scenery, and very little poster board. The audience laughed at some of the wrong places but that is show biz. At least there was a large measure of applause at the end.
He grabbed an old "Time" magazine with a desert picture and swirls of circles of sand getting ever bigger. That intrigued him. Into his mind came a beautiful girl on a white horse and as she rode across the sand, a funny idea popped into the scene. Why not put a little fraidycat guy with heart in there with her and take them on an adventure? We've done ships with water. Let's get into sand.
The phone rang and Jimmy answered. "Jimmy here." As he recognized the voice of Terry, Jimmy interrupted and added, "Head Scribbler at your service." Jimmy wrote a few notes on a paper and said, "Sure, Terry, we can get together. Get Butch and Mary, especially Mary. I want to talk to her about something. See you in a few minutes."
Jimmy scribbled down all the great ideas flowing in his head about the desert adventure. Often, the seeds of an idea came like a gift, right away in a flood. He just needed to catch them on paper. He knew the next phase, after the flood, would be hard going. It was still a gift, but one he had to work for. He grabbed his notes, his zipper jacket, and his thinking cap that looked very much like a fisherman's cap and hurried down the stairs and out the door.
Butch, Mary, and Terry were waiting for him on Terry's porch. He hadn't realized how long the flood had lasted.
"You're late, Martin," Butch said. "Better have a good excuse."
Jimmy smiled at the mention of his middle name, but said nothing. Butch often used silly nicknames.
We got here on time, Mary said."
Terry, who had known Jimmy the longest, looked at the fistful of notes in his hand and announced, "The man's been busy. Anybody can see that."
"God our next story?" Butch asked.
"Do I have a part," Mary asked, "or are you boys going back to your brother thing?"
"What I have," said Jimmy, "is the great American play. It has scenery and a hero (written just for me, he thought,) vicious villains, and of course, a damsel."
"In distress I suppose," Mary said.
"That's the great part," Jimmy said. "When I first saw her, she was not in distress. I really saw her, Mary. I don't think you have to worry."
(What's this new play Jimmy is working on? Will the others like it or will it cause trouble? Come back here next Friday and we'll continue. Nancy)
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